It’s Cold in the River at Night

It’s Cold in the River at Night by Alex Potts, 84 pages, full color. Published by Avery Hill. Release date: 13th November 2017

Somewhere, in an isolated corner of Western Europe, Carl and Rita rent a house on stilts. Due to the pressures of spending so much time only in each other’s company, cracks in their relationship start to appear. To relieve the pressure and secretly hoping to meet someone he can look up to who will take him on as an apprentice,Carl embarks on a search for the last remaining practitioner of an ancient local tradition. His quest brings him to a craftsman who is very different to the type of man he was hoping to find.

Animator and illustrator Alex Potts’ first long-form graphic novel is a psychological drama and a coming-of-age tale, where the protagonist is too old to come of age, doesn’t experience any personal growth and is instead pushed to the brink of his sanity…

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