
Showing posts with the label DIY

So Buttons #14: Life and Death

Harold th’ Armadillo #s 1-8

NEW Micro Mini from Michael Neno, Reptilicon Attacks!

Shred or Dead #s 1, 2, & 3

Methods of Dyeing

Building 11

Booze Ha Ha

Sunder Citadel

Exquisite Cuts

Liberty Rose

Lights, Planets, People!


Killer Hats

After That! No. 61

Here’s Five for Friday from the Flu Factory, courtesy of Everett Gee!

It’s Mini-Comic Monday with two Micro-Minis from Michael Neno!

Ninja Guy No. 1-5

My Life in Records #6: Here We Are Now Entertain Us

The Bubblegum Dada Corporation No. 7: The Dream Inspires

Two Minicomics by Michael Neno!