Hevelin Fanzine Digitization Project

From hevelincollection on Tumblr:

I’m happy to bring exciting news! We are digitizing all of the fanzines in the Rusty Hevelin Collection, beginning with the earliest from the 1930s through 1950.

  • inviting a select group of fans to help transcribe the text of these fanzines in an apa-style working group.
  • respecting copyright and privacy by not placing full reproductions of the fanzines online
  • building a searchable database containing the full text of all Rusty’s fanzines
  • creating the most comprehensive and user-friendly index of science fiction fanzines that has ever been attempted.
I’m so glad to be part of this important project. Very special thanks go to UI Vice-President of Research and Economic Development, Dan Reed, University Librarian, John Culshaw, and the best boss anyone could have, Head of Special Collections, Greg Prickman. More information here: http://bit.ly/1xzA5zo. Thanks.

via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at http://bit.ly/1GX4ehs
