Dubious Tales

Dubious Tales http://buff.ly/1RBLTP2 is a six issue (165-page) limited series created and written by Patrick Killik and illustrated by Elias Martins. Published by Oort Cloud Comics http://bit.ly/1qaZeS8

Dubious Tales is a fictional adventure comic that starts on the docks of 1930’s San Francisco, dives into the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and ends in parts unknown. It’s a story of international intrigue and strained family loyalty, starring Moe Berg and Hubert Wilkins, two unique and fascinating characters distilled from the pages of 20th century history.

Dubious Tales: The Story Authorities have caught wind that someone is supplying a rogue Japanese admiral with illegal war materials out of 1930’s Port of San Francisco. A mysterious group called the New York Committee have given American baseball player Moe Berg and Australian explorer George Hubert Wilkins the mission to uncover the truth behind the rumors. The adventure they embark on across the Pacific will irreversibly change the fate of one noble family and the balance of world’s military powers.

Support Dubious Tales at http://kck.st/1SqvuKf and see more at http://bit.ly/1qaZeS8 and http://bit.ly/1qaZgJU

via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at http://bit.ly/1SqvuKi
