Unleash #1

Unleash #1 http://www.amigocomics.com/ is a 32-page, standard size, full color comic written by Jennifer Van Gessel and El Torres, illustrated by Nacho Tenorio, Sergio Mora, and Veronica R. Lopez, and cover by Gabriel Hernandez Walta. Published by Amigo Comics.
A young woman with a history of being sexually assaulted decides to punish sexual predators with the aid of a most unlikely accomplice. In this first issue of Unleash we’re introduced to the young woman’s traumatic past, and we witness her present day exploits as she exacts revenge on an accused rapist! Make no mistake, this is a mature story with a very adult theme. Some folks will probably be disturbed by the subject matter and the rawness that it’s handled with. And I, for one, think that’s a good thing and it’s what makes this a powerful comic!
The art like the writing is gritty and filled with violence and emotion. The writing and art teams do an excellent job of delivering a cast of characters that are flawed and living broken lives in the shadows of a big city where most folks fear to tread. The main character, Emmie, is depicted believably as a troubled and emotionally scarred woman. The other characters are equally believable and leave the reader wanting to know more about them. The art is top notch throughout, everything from the page compositions, to the detailed line work, to the mood setting colors. Unleash is a different kind of comic with a biting story that will stay with you!
Head over to Amigo Comics at http://www.amigocomics.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/AmigoComics/ to help Emmie Unleash her revenge!
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