Kung Fu Satanist #1 & #2

Two for Tuesday Review: Kung Fu Satanist #1 & #2 http://bit.ly/29WgceE are 24-page (each), full color, standard size comic written by Simon Sanchez and illustrated by Dean Juliette. Published by Trauma Comics.
Arthur Brown lost his soul to Satan and now spends his time helping clients find loved ones that have been taken by bad people. Once Arthur finds the lost loves ones - he uses his mad Kung Fu skills to rip the hearts out of the abductors and sends their souls to hell! Yeah, he’s a bad ass and in these two issues he has to not only fight thugs, but also deal with the “Headhunter” and “El Toro” as well as the “Dark Lord” himself!
This comic series has great art and a very original plot that’s fun in a kick-ass way. The main character isn’t a good guy, he’s flawed and obligated to the devil, but he still wants to do good and tries to reassure himself that that he is. The internal conflict adds another layer to the story that gives it that something extra that sits it apart!
You can get in on the Kung Fu fighting with the Kung Fu Satanist at http://bit.ly/29WgceE and http://bit.ly/2a1On8p
via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at http://bit.ly/2gc2gkh
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