NEW Micro Mini from Michael Neno, Reptilicon Attacks!


Reptilicon Attacks! Is a 24-page, full color, micro mini created by Michael Neno and featuring public domain images by Vince Alascia, Frank Bolle, Steve Ditko, Bill Molno, and Norman Nodel. Ahh, this must be the “Fake News” edition of Mr. Neno’s Micro Minis. For you see, nothing actually happens in this issue. Nope, not a thing. Sure, some folks yell and scream that they’re being attacked by some sort of giant “Reptilicon,” but we all know there’s no such thing. Why just listen to the intelligent man on the street, or the smartly dressed mother. Even the dutiful soldiers agree that nothing happened in this issue…and they’re plenty relieved it’s over!


See for yourself what big things get dismissed in Reptilicon Attackes! for just $4 ppd, or get two for $7 ppd, or three for $9 ppd! PayPal to mneno@columbus(dot)rr(dot)com




Send cash or check to:


M.R. Neno Productions

PO Box 307675

Gahanna, OH 43230
