Copy This! #5

Copy This! #5 is a 40-page, B&W info and news mini comic zine about mini comics published by D. Blake Werts. 

Up front in this issue of Copy This! D. Blake Werts puts out a call for art! Yep, seems there’s been some thought put into an “ALL ART issue” and now is the time to submit your stuff! But wait, there’s more! Not only is this a call for art, but also single panels, gags, multi-page comics, doodles, collage work, and even short pieces of prose! So, if you’ve got something you want to see in the pages of Copy This! use the contact info at the bottom of this review and reach out to D. Blake Werts. Keep in mind this is a mini size publication, so your submission must be formatted for that size, and this is a PG-13 zine too, so NO Adults Only stuff! 

The leading piece for Copy This! #5 is an interview with artist Tom Brinkmann, known for his high contrast-tribal-psychedelic art style and being the author of Bad Mags. Tom talks about his earliest artistic influences, discovering of comic books, struggles with school, venturing into self-publishing, the evolution of his unique style, the tools of his trade, and his involvement with men’s magazines. Tom’s 12-page mini art zine Squint 3, Eye-Kandy Kix for Moderns is also included with this issue of Copy This! 

The remaining pages of Copy This! #5 informs the reader of the latest goings on and offerings from 15 different creators within the mini comics/zine/small press community, and there’s even a splattering of illustrations and comics from various contributors to boot! 

For the uninitiated, Copy This! is an information/news mini-zine with a focus on mini comics. Each issue features an interview (or two) of someone from within the mini comic scene, and listings of what various other creators are up to. 

To order your copy of Copy This! contact D. Blake Werts at the addresses (postal or e-mail) listed below… 

…or, if you want to have your information listed in a future issue of Copy This!, complete this survey and send the your response to the address or e-mail listed below: 

  1. What’s happening? Are you currently active in cartooning or other creative endeavors? 
  2. Do you have any new (or old!) comics or zines available? If so, what are the details (size, page count, costs, trades considered)? 
  3. Postal mailing address? Email address? 
  4. Besides this news zine, how can readers keep up with your work? 
  5. What would you like to see in a newsletter/zine about mini comics? 
  6. Any announcements you’d like to make? 
  7. Are you interested in contributing some comics or artwork? 
  8. Any other small-press creators we should contact? 

Contact or Post your responses to: 
D. Blake Werts
12339 Chesley Drive
Charlotte, NC 28277
or use
