Copy This! #6

Copy This! #6 is a 44-page, B&W info news mini comic zine about mini comics and small press offerings. Published by D. Blake Werts.

Okay, if you’ve been playing along then you know D. Blake Werts intends to make a future issue of Copy This! an all Art issue, but what you might not know is that there’s a deadline for submissions to that issue and it’s 15 Dec! So, if you’re thinking about sending something make sure you get to it before it’s too late!

Now here’s the submissions guidelines straight out of this issue of Copy This!: single panels; gags; multi-page comics; illustrations; doodles; collage work; obscuro creations; and even flash-fiction! The format is mini size and all content needs to be kept at the PG-13 level! Contact info for D. Blake Werts is at the bottom of this review.

Speaking of "this review," let’s jump into it!

Richard Krauss starts off this issue with an interview of Bob Vojtko. Bob talks about where his inspiration to draw cartoons came from, fond childhood memories of family, balancing cartooning with “the day job,” his approach to making cartoons and mini comics, and the cartooning market. He and Richard also reminisce about past mini comics, strips, and creators. And Bob contributes Lousy Funeral, a separate 4-page mini comic, to this issue of Copy This!

The remainder of Copy This! #6 is stuffed with current listings, and updates from 20 or so different comic creators! And although Copy This! is a “mini comic news/info zine” the offerings these folks layout include more than just mini comics (or maybe it depends on your definition of mini comic?). Anyhow, what you’ll find are mini comics, micro-minis, digest comics, full size comics, web comics, and fanzines! A bunch of really cool publications that represent just about everything you’d expect to find in the small press (indie comic scene? self publisher scene? comic zine scene?)! Since I brought up defining a mini comic, a new feature being introduced to Copy This! is a “Letters Column.” The idea is to allow for more active participation between the readers. The first letter appears in this issue and is from Michael R. Neno. The subject of the letter is…defining mini comics! Michael gives his definition and Blake express interest in hearing from others on the subject. So the invitation has been made. Write to Blake (addresses at bottom of this thing) and share your thoughts on the subject!

Last thing, if you want to have your information listed in a future issue of Copy This!, complete this survey and send your responses to the address or e-mail listed below:

1. What’s happening? Are you currently active in cartooning or other creative endeavors?
2. Do you have any new (or old!) comics or zines available? If so, what are the details (size, page count, costs, trades considered)?
3. Postal mailing address? Email address?
4.Besides this news zine, how can readers keep up with your work?
5. What would you like to see in a newsletter/zine about mini comics?
6. Any announcements you’d like to make?
7. Are you interested in contributing some comics or artwork?
8. Any other small-press creators we should contact?

Order Copy This! and/or Post your survey responses to:

D. Blake Werts
12339 Chesley Drive
Charlotte, NC 28277

or use
