Copy This! #22

Copy This! #22 is a 32-page, B&W info/news mini comic zine published by D. Blake Werts. This issue’s spotlight interview is once again conducted by Blake and is with Mike Hill! Blake and Mike talk about Mike’s entrance into the minicomic scene and the many folks he came to know and work with, Mike also discusses his early comic influences, jazz, cartooning, lust, murder, and liberal mindedness among other things!

Featured in the community section is news and info from Micah Liesenfeld, Rio Aubry Taylor, Daniel McClosky, Joseph Tenney, Andy Nukes, Larry Blake, Brian Leonard, Bob Lipski, Pat Moriarity, Steve Lafler, and Brian John Mitchell.

And lastly Blake reports the second All Art issue is a go and he plans to send it out sometime this month!

To get more info on Copy This! contact:

D. Blake Werts
12339 Chesley Drive
Charlotte, NC 28277

or email Blake at: bwerts (at) vnet (dot) net

via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at
