Fall of Grayskull

Fall of Grayskull https://youtu.be/mzPzBYwjVk8 is a 37 min, fan made movie directed by Daniel Benedict and featuring Brian Cage, Johnny Bilson, Mercedez Varble, Kevin Clark, Alexandria Hendrick, Louisa Torres, John Thomas Priar, Lindsey Menche, and the voice of Alan Oppenheimer.

I’m no He-Man expert but this take on the muscle man and his bone-face foe is much more gory than any other version I’ve ever seen…and I dig it! The sets look great, the special effects and make-up rock, and the acting is spot on!

In this adaptation we find He-Man at the mercy of Skeletor with only Teela and the mysterious Shadow Weaver to save him from certain doom! He-Man and Skeletor battle it out in this indie flick to determine once and for all who is the Master of the Universe! And a comic featuring a proluge to the movie is even available for free download!

Check it all out at
http://www.fallofgrayskull.com/ and find more at http://www.facebook.com/FallOfGrayskull and http://www.twitter.com/freshdannyb and
