Not Ashamed (My Life in Records)

For Mini-Comic Monday it’s,,,Not Ashamed (My Life in Records) This is a 24-page, full color mini comic written and illustrated by Grant Thomas.
In this installment of Grant’s “My Life in Records” we’re given a peek into Grant’s indoctrination into Christianity. He documents his early involvement in the church and going to a youth evangelism conference where he heeds the call to not be ashamed of his faith. Later Grant encounters mocking as he openly displays his Christendom among his hell bound peers in public school. Eventually Grant’s enthusiasm for his faith begins to dwindle as he confronts interpretations the he doesn’t fully agree with and the euphoria that once existed fades.
I have to admit I could relate to a lot of Grant’s story. I too grew up as a member of a Christian church and tried to accept everything I was taught…but I could never bring myself to believe the men and women teaching me knew any more than people in other churches or temples in the same town teaching something different to other kids that I went to school with. Anyway, I get where Grant is coming from. Religion can really do a number on you that lingers.
Grant’s telling of this story is exceptional in its honesty. Both the positive and negative aspects of faith are touched on from a single perspective that’s constantly seeking a personal relationship with god. The illustrations and colors enhance the innocent feeling of the story and reflect the emotion of the narrator. I also must say the quality of this mini comic (paper, construction, trimming) is very impressive. This isn’t just an entertaining story with good art, it’s a polished piece of small press publishing!
You can drop the needle on Not Ashamed (My Life in Records) at
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