I, Holmes #3

I, Holmes #3 http://buff.ly/2ptBzPF is a 20-page, full color, crime comic written by Michael Lent with art & lettering by Marc Rene and editing by David Rambo. Published by Alterna Comics.
I, Rose, the girl with no given name, makes a surprising discovery that may lead her to her true identity. At the same time the man with no face is close to being unmasked and revealing the true nature of his and Rose’s adversarial relationship! What long history ties these two together? Will Rose’s given name bring the answers she seeks or only beg more questions?!
The creative team on this comic really spin an intriguing yarn full of mysteries and surprising reveals. The page layouts and compositions are artfully handled and integrate the overall art into the story. The pale washes of color fill the pages like individual paintings. I, Holmes is a great combination of a well written story with awesome artwork!
You and get on the case with I, Holmes at http://buff.ly/2ptBzPF and find more at http://bit.ly/2q1XgHQ and http://bit.ly/2jGlxzw
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