Sleepy Giantess, Good Morning!

Sleepy Giantess, Good Morning! is a 200-page, perfect bound, full color, ADULT, 5.5” x 5.5” romance comic written and illustrated by Sophie with lettering and layouts by Celso.
This is one big-little colorful book! In the 200 pages Sophie tells the story of two lovers through a series of dates. As the two share experiences they also discover things about themselves and their relationship. One of the characters is dark skinned and the other light skinned. As the two frolic about in the water and on land, they enjoy each other’s company while exploring their differences and similarities.
The duality of the lovers creates a subtext that parallels the contrast in nature; day and night, earth and sky, etc. Moreover, some of the tale also draws from ancient creation stories, contributing to the underlying connection between the characters and the creation of life itself.
The art is a gorgeous mix of nature photography and comic illustration. Sophie masterfully blends the two in a playful and visually appealing style that makes this an eye-catching story that’s a joy to read!
You can find Sleepy Giantess, Good Morning! and more at and find even more at and
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