Copy This! #37

For Mini-Comic Monday it’s…Copy This! #37. This issue is a 40-page, B&W info/news mini comic zine published by D. Blake Werts with cover art by Matt Feazell.
In this issue D. Blake Werts interviews Matt Feazell of Cynicalman fame! Blake and Matt talk about Matt’s perfection of storytelling through the stick figure, Matt’s early influences, his professional ambitions, and the graphic design road that led him to where he is now. Matt also reflects on the early days building his portfolio as an artist and finding his day job in the art world. Then surprise, surprise, Matt reveals there’s a Cynicalman Movie! I’ve dug Matt’s comics for years now but I never knew there was a movie! Check out Copy This! #37 and learn all the nifty details for yourself…and about the giant space turtle!
PLUS, Blake and Matt collaborate on Bella Burnette in “I Can Do This.” A 4-page mini included with this issue of Copy This!
The community news and info section of this time ‘round features current offerings and updates from: Dale Martin (Watusi and the Emerald Serpent); Charles Brubaker (CAB Gets Inked); Brian Buniak (Apricot O’Toon); Max Clotfelter (The Warlock Story); Buzz Buzzizyk (Buzzizyk Tall Boys); Robert Pasternak (Acid Man Society); Tom Motley (True Fiction, The Collected Misadventures of Aline the Alien); and Marc Myers (Elephant)!
To get your hands on Copy This! and for more info contact:
D. Blake Werts
12339 Chesley Drive
Charlotte, NC 28277
or email Blake at: bwerts (at) vnet (dot) net
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