Bubblegum Dada 005: Your Future Looks Bright

Bubblegum Dada 005: Your Future Looks Bright is a 28-page, Black and White, digest size comic zine published by The Bubblegum Dada Corporation.

Flip through the pages and learn the facts of life in this insightful zine! A wee tot still suckling his mother's tit is instructed on how to live his life in accordance with the rules of society. From the very beginning the youngster is warned not to follow his bliss, but rather strive to work hard and adhere to the expected norms. No room for the artists or freethinkers here, It's all about conformity! So, get a copy of Bubblegum Dada 005: Your Future Looks Bright and share it with your carpool buddies on your way to feed the machine! You can even write an old-school letter of request and send it to:

The Bubblegum Dada Corporation
c/o 15 Dartington Walk
