Freaky, Strike Three

Freaky, Strike Three is a 60-page, full size, Black and White, comix magazine anthology printed on glorious News Print! Featured artists include Carl Alessi, Johnny Brewton, Kyle C. Bridgett, Nik Caesar, Tommy "T-Shirt" Cannon, (An) Eel, Casanova Frankenstein, Paul Friedrich, I. Kinzer, E. Francis Kohler, Billy McKay, Darren "'King" Merinuk, Karla Paloma, Dalton Vaughn, and Editor-in-Chief Andrew "The Slow Poisoner" Goldfarb. Whew, that's a lot of groovy people!

What do you get when a guy like Andrew "The Slow Poisoner" Goldfarb brings together a bunch of talented artists with a penchant for the unusual and let's their collective insanity  spill out onto paper? Freaky Magazine! It's like a two-dimensional asylum for the artfully inclined !

I dig indie comix that embrace the weird and Freaky does exactly that! This collection of insane comix is overflowing with weirdos, monsters, beatniks, and bozos. Every page is a twisted treat of the bizarre, the odd, the curiously peculiar that grabs you by the neck and pulls you into its altered reality of ink and absurdity! There's just so much here it's nearly impossible to do it justice with words. Aliens, mouth creatures, and an Onion Head are just a few of the delights that await you freaky fishes that like to swim outside the mainstream! But don' just take my word for it, visit Freaky Magazine at and check out some of the inards of this rag for yourself!
