Peculiar Paper People #2

Peculiar Paper People #2 is a 16-page, digest size, full color comic written & illustrated by Billy McKay.

Issue #2 of Peculiar Paper People is filled with outlandish poems and comix! Between the covers you’ll encounter a gun toting toad, a skydiving whale, a scary clown, and much more all wrapped around rhymes and spread out through sequential panels. We also get treated to a full color versions of Billy’s Gray Matter and The Lil’ Dragon!

Billy’s writing is witty and bizarre with a flair for the oddball subject and setting. His art is a collection of exaggerated abstractions of people and creatures acting out the strange subjects of his odd odes. The coloring in this issue is magnificent! Billy paints each page with a great combination of colors that brings life to his Peculiar Paper People!

You can wander the weirdness of Billy’s creative mind by contacting him at:

billytherobot (at) gmail (dot) com

OR send him a note at:

Billy McKay
P.O. Box 542
N. Olmsted, OH 44070

via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at
