My War

My War is an 8-page, B&W minicomic written & illustrated by Mike Hill.

I found My War included with D. Blake Werts’ Copy This! #17 recently in the mail. In My War Mike Hill captures the true costs of war and squarely points a finger at the real financiers. The message may not resonate well with some readers, but speaks volumes about the true price of war. Many choose to not think about the horrors of war and pretend the death and suffering taking place around the world has nothing to do with them, but in My War Mike eloquently explains otherwise.

Unlike Hollywood movies that glamorize and romanticize war, My War cuts to the reality of war. In 8 short pages Mike lays out rough, raw, and eerily haunting scenes of the brutality of war. Maybe it speaks more to me because of my own military experience. In My War I see war as it revealed itself to me. No heroes. No good guys. No bad guys. Just the loss and bleakness left in war’s wake…and the responsibility.

Visit Mike and see more of his art at and you can contact Mike at: mikehill001 (AT) gmail (DOT) com to get your copy of My War.

via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at
