One Last Day: The 9th Art Anthology

One Last Day: The 9th Art is a 20-page, full size B&W, mostly silent comic anthology written & illustrated by various artists and created by Adam Yeater. 

In One Last Day: The 9th Art Anthology creator Adam Yeater shares the pages with fellow underground comix contributors Zac Finger, Jordan Hallett, Sergio Zuniga, Virva Peikko, Jacob Brekenridge, Christian Villaire, Ariana Hubbard, Ross Demma, Demitri Holzinger, Jenn Hopkins, Hans Rivas, and Heberto “Bicio” Morales. The idea behind this anthology is to showcase a collection of silent, or near silent, comics. The name “The 9th Art” comes from French film critic Claude Beylie that suggested comics should be considered alongside other mainstream arts.

Most of the stories revolve around physical death with a couple of exceptions. The subjects of the stories are varied and the artwork is a pleasing eclectic collection of black and white styles from a group of very talented creators!

You can show your appreciation for The 9th Art at One Last Day at

via Almost Normal Comics on Tumblr at
